[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Aug. 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Aug 5 09:04:19 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Halleluljah!  It actually rained at my house yesterday, and I hope it 
rained at yours, too.  Unfortunately, we've learned that these little 
rainstorms are sometimes very spotty, and sometimes people come to work 
bragging that it poured at their house the day before, making me just 
want to smack them, because my house didn't get a drop!  Yesterday I was 
one of the fortunate ones, so I guess if someone smacks me today, I'll 
understand.   I walked out to our pond the other day, amid a flurry of 
grasshoppers, and it was VERY low.  There's an old, dead cedar tree that 
the previous owners threw in there for a fish habitat and we can kind of 
judge how low the pond is by how much tree we can see.  That day I was 
seeing a LOT of tree.  I'm hoping yesterday's rain will help with that.

Very Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Cafeteria cook Kevin Holland, 
(age classified), and RA Nick Wallace, who is turning the big 2-0 
today.  I hope they both have a great day. 

Don't forget this is TAX FREE weekend on all apparel in the Bookstore, 
so let any students you see know that this would be a good weekend to 
get any Eastern wear they've been wanting.  Don't you just love a bargain?

Our menu for today includes:
or         Cheeseburgers with French Fries
             Refried beans
             Spanish rice
And for dessert, have a yummy Brownie!

Have a great weekend,
Rhoda   :-)
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