[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Aug. 10

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Aug 10 09:15:32 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

I just called Lori Mitchell to find out about the Street Dance, today's 
special event for students for the first week of classes, and she 
informed me it will be held in front of the Student Center this evening, 
if it doesn't rain.  I told her they should go ahead and have it even if 
it does rain and just call it a Rain Dance.  (She tells me if it rains, 
they will be moving it indoors into the Student Center.)  The rain we've 
had the past couple of nights has been wonderful, but we could certainly 
use more.  The little stream down the hill from my house still looks 
like a dried up stream bed, but this morning it actually had a couple of 
puddles in it, so you students get out there and dance us up some more! 

In spite of the fact that it's Wednesday, we've still got some students 
who are experiencing their first day of college.  My daughter doesn't 
have any Tuesday classes scheduled so her first taste of college classes 
came this morning in Mrs. Duncan's class.  There were still students 
getting registered, and getting ID's and books, etc. yesterday, but I 
think most of them have the beginning details taken care of.  Now it's 
time to get down to the business of studying and learning!  Go out and 
Make Your Mark at Eastern!

Our menu for today includes:
             Pork loin
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Fresh spinach
             Black eyed peas
             Fried squash
             Hot rolls
And for dessert, have some Banana Pudding.

Have a great day,
Rhoda   :-)

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