[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Aug. 22 Cyber Cafe Closed

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 22 10:02:45 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

It was really nice to get some RAIN over the weekend!  So many of my 
plants looked totally dead, with not a sprig of green in sight on them, 
I was really glad to notice some little green shoots coming out on my 
clematis vines on the arch at the entrance to our yard.  Maybe some of 
our plants will be able to recover enough foliage to give us a little 
fall color this year after all.  That's always one of the big 
attractions in this part of the state, with people coming from the tree 
deprived western half of the state and various other areas to admire our 
beautiful fall colors. 

Classes are well underway, but "the fun week" as I call it, is still not 
quite finished.  The Mud Bowl, one of the students' favorite activities 
of the whole year, has been postponed twice now, due to circumstances 
beyond the control of our Student Services staff.  There are plans to 
reschedule this sometime soon, as soon as a suitable date can be pinned 
down, so don't give up on it yet.  Third time's charm!

Our Cyber Cafe will be closed until further notice, as we are having 
freezer repairs done, and we will be concentrating on keeping our main 
line operating smoothly. 

Anyone having an Employee of the Month nomination they'd like to present 
to the Staff Council should do so this week.  These may be give to any 
Staff Council member, or deposited in the "Suggestion Box" in the 
mail/copy room in Choctaw Hall, before the last Friday of the month to 
be eligible for the current month.   (Staff Council members are Helen 
Scott, Sheryl Marmon, Anne Hester Brooks, Gail Wilson, Lynn Hackworth, 
and myself.)  I know we have some excellent employees at Eastern, and 
recognition of an exemplary performance would be a great way to 
encourage the nominated individual as well as motivating others.

Our menu for today includes:
             Chicken fried chicken
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             Garlic biscuits
             Hot rolls
And for dessert, have some Cherry Cake.

Have a great day at Eastern,
Rhoda   :-)

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