[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Feb. 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Feb 7 08:45:24 CST 2011

Hi folks,

Well, business as usual has pretty much been suspended in most of the 
state for about a week now thanks to the record breaking cold 
temperatures and snowfall we received last week, along with a healthy 
dose of sleet, etc. which sent everyone scurrying for the grocery store 
and to the house to wait out "the blizzard of '11".  Conditions were 
pretty scary for driving or walking, and still are in spots.  I actually 
only fell once, and it wasn't nearly as bad as it could've been, as I 
fell forward into the snow and was able to catch myself without making a 
snow angel or a face imprint.   I'd have to bet the ground hog didn't 
even think about coming out of his burrow last Wednesday to see his 
shadow, and anyone who tried to pull him out into the cold probably drew 
back a nub.   With temperatures remaining below freezing until Saturday, 
thawing did not occur as fast as we could've wished for, and then it all 
seemed to happen at once and everything became a muddy mess within a day. 

My bird feeders were the busiest spots around my house, with all the 
little birds out there looking for something to eat that wasn't coated 
in ice.  I saw at least 9 different species at my feeder and a few more 
in the surrounding trees.  It was quite a show.  I actually saw birds at 
my feeder that I had never seen at it before.

Business division instructor, Tia Kelley, is celebrating a birthday 
today, by getting to come back to work I guess.  Talk about timing!  
Have a great day anyway, Tia!

Our menu for today includes:
            Chicken spaghetti
            California blend vegetables
            Five way mixed vegetables
            Fried squash
            Bread sticks
And for dessert, have a serving of Lemon Eclair Dessert or some Apple 

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)   
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