[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Feb. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 8 08:56:14 CST 2011

Hi folks,

I hope everyone is braced and ready for round two of our winter weather 
mess, as it's predicted to hit sometime this evening and continue right 
on through tomorrow full force.  I guess we should be very grateful 
that, with temperatures predicted to go back up to well above freezing 
by Friday, this next round of snow shouldn't last long.  Then all we'll 
have left to contend with is a giant dose of mud!

A group of about 25 students from Smithville is expected to tour our 
campus this morning, so be ready to welcome them if they come through 
your area and give them whatever assistance they may need. 

EOSC's Biggest Loser contest is scheduled to start today, so take a few 
minutes out of your busy day between 11:00 and 12:30, to go over to the 
Fieldhouse and weigh-in with Loma Messex.  Bad weather pushed our start 
date back from last week, but we should be able to at least have a first 
weigh-in today before any more weather throws a kink in things.

If you're interested in promoting the arts in Latimer County and like 
good food, be sure and attend the Sweetheart Soiree at the White House 
on campus this Saturday at 7:00.  Admission is free, and there will be 
wonderful food, entertainment, and valet parking to make this 
fund-raiser for the Latimer County Arts Council a thoroughly enjoyable 
evening.  Be ready to vote with your dollars in the "Tie One On for the 
Arts" competition. 

The Cyber Cafe will not be open today, but we will be serving hamburgers 
as a meat choice on the main line.

Our menu for today includes:

And for dessert, pick a piece of Pie from our assortment of flavors.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)
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