[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday February 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Feb 11 09:42:01 CST 2011

Hi folks,

What weird weather we've been having, and from the looks of the 
forecast, it's going to get even stranger, (better, but stranger), as 
the temperatures are supposed to go up steadily through Thursday of next 
week when we have balmy days in the 70's!  I can't even remember when 
we've been in the negative numbers as far as temperatures go in this 
part of the world, but they say it was negative 3 or 4 night before last 
and maybe even last night.  That's just unreal.  I think it was colder 
here than it was in parts of Alaska! 

Happy Birthday wishes go out for this Saturday to Political Science 
instructor Carter Mattson.  He's that well dressed young fellow you see 
walking across campus most days, and I hope he has a really enjoyable day.

If you're looking for something special to do with your sweetheart 
tomorrow evening, come to the Sweetheart Soiree at the beautiful White 
House here on the EOSC campus.  This annual fundraiser for the Latimer 
County Arts Council is always a good time, with great food, wonderful 
entertainment, interesting people and more! 

Be sure and listen to Dougo in the mornings for great music and local 
happenings worth hearing about and lots more interesting stuff.  Tune in 
24/7 at www.radio.eosc.edu. 

Our menu for today includes:
          Baked chicken breast
          Brisket (while it lasts)
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Black eyed peas
          Long grain and wild rice
          Broccoli spears

And for dessert, have a couple of delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    :-)
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