[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Feb. 18

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Feb 18 09:45:54 CST 2011

Hi folks,

I'm enjoying the warmer temperatures even if it is cloudy and looking 
like it could rain any minute.  At least it'll be warmish rain, and not 
snow, sleet or ice!  Beware though, we're having a full moon this week, 
and that seems to have a bad effect on some people.  I think it even got 
to our goose, as I have a big goose bite on my arm this morning from a 
go-around yesterday evening.  (Yes, I'm now a victim of goose abuse.)  
Ouch!  Those things can really bite hard!  Glad they don't have teeth!  
They'd really be deadly then.

Longtime Eastern fixture, Gaylon Brannon, Meat Lab Manager, will be 
celebrating a birthday this Sun. Feb. 20, and I hope he has a really 
great day.

It looks like our Baseball Team will be pretty busy for the next few 
days.  Today, they'll be hosting Murray State at 11:00.  Tomorrow, 
they'll be taking on 13th ranked Northeast State in a double header 
starting at 11:00, followed on Sunday by another double header against 
Paris at 12:00.  Keep up the great playing you've been doing, guys! 

And since Coach Mace has ordered sack lunches for the Softball team, I'm 
betting they have a game somewhere tomorrow, also.  Good luck, girls!  

Our menu for today includes:
       Beef stroganoff
or   Hot ham and cheese sandwich
       Sauerkraut with little smokies

And for dessert, have Chocolate Chip Cookies or Ice Cream.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)



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