[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. July 27 Cyber Cafe Open!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jul 27 09:40:01 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Looking around outside you'd almost think it had rained grasshoppers 
yesterday instead of much needed water!  There are just multitudes of 
them everywhere!  I'm surprised any of the trees and shrubs have any 
leaves left that haven't been shredded by these aggravating bugs.  
Unfortunately, they seem to be the one thing that thrives in this 
extremely hot, mostly dry weather. 

Very Happy Birthday wishes go out today to EOSC Forestry Instructor 
Eddie Woods.  Eddie is a great guy who must love to grill because he 
very generously volunteered to do the grilling for the EOSC Family 
Picnic last year and has volunteered to do so again this year, and is 
generally one of the regular cooks for local 4H activities.  I sometimes 
think he and 4H leader Tony Johnson are in a race for the lifetime 
burger flipping record.  We might have to hire them part time here in 
the Cafeteria.

Once again today, the Cyber Cafe will be open until 2:30 to take your 
order.  Menu choices are as follows:
             Grilled chicken sandwiches
             Steak melts
             Chicken strips
and       French fries

Have a great day at Eastern,
Rhoda   :-)


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