[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. March 21

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 21 09:22:45 CDT 2011

Hi folks, Happy Spring and Welcome Back,

I hope you all had a GREAT Spring Break!  I really enjoyed mine.  Got 
some projects done that were too complicated or time consuming to tackle 
during a regular work week.  It's really nice to have a whole week off 
with decent weather and without a major holiday to have to plan for 
stuck in the middle of it.  I love Spring Break!

I hear that the Mountaineer Baseball games went really well, that we now 
have more games in the win column on the charts.  Way to go, guys!  
Here's hoping today's game will put another mark in the win column!
I wondered over the break if anyone had heard anything from any of our 
former students from Japan.  I had my daughter trying  to contact Yuichi 
and Asumi on Facebook, but had no luck.  We can only pray that they and 
their loved ones are safe, as well as our other friends and former students.

Very Happy Birthday wishes go out today to longtime Eastern educator, 
Dr. Billye Kay Givens.  I hope she has a wonderful day and enjoys every 
minute of it!

Eastern is privileged to host a reception for Sen. Dan Boren this 
afternoon at 1:00 in our North Ballroom.   Please help us make him welcome.

Our menu for today includes:
            Green beans
            Baked potatoes
            Bread sticks
And for dessert, have a slice of luscious Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake!

Have a great day back at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)    
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