[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday May 6 Happy Graduation Day!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri May 6 09:27:20 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

It's good to be back after being out of commission for a few days.  I 
was scheduled to be off only on Tuesday, but Wednesday and Thursday 
found me with a bad cold or something and there was no way I could've 
made it through a day of work, and the way I was coughing and carrying 
on, no one would've wanted me here anyway.  At least I was able to make 
it back before graduation tonight!  Hard to believe it's that time again 
already!  We're about to send off another batch of kids we've come to 
know and gotten attached to.  My own daughter will be going to her 
Senior Prom tomorrow night at Wilburton High School and that's hard to 
believe also!  Then next week she'll be graduating too!

I hope Anne Hester Brooks, the acting director of the McAlester campus 
had a great birthday yesterday on Cinco de Mayo.  And Christy Stanfield 
of our Nursing Department and also at the McAlester campus will 
celebrate hers today.  I hope it's very enjoyable also.

Our menu for today includes:
            Taco salad
or         Grilled chicken on a bun
             French fries
or          Baked potato
             Cole slaw
             Pinto beans
And for dessert, have a Brownie!

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    :-)

P. S.  Don't forget, it's Mother's Day on Sunday!  Go see your Mom or 
call her and let her know you do love her even though you didn't always 
listen to what she told you.

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