[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. May 12 Cyber Cafe Closed

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu May 12 09:22:01 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Finals week is winding down here on campus, and students are starting to 
clear out of the dorms and head off to their summer vacations, jobs, 
further educational opportunities or whatever else they may have 
planned.  I'm sure there are plenty of instructors getting antsy to get 
this week over with and get grades turned in, so they can start their 
summer break, too.  Here in the Cafeteria we'll have one slower week 
before Gear Up camp starts, followed by Upward Bound, so we'll still be 
keeping pretty busy in this part of the world.  Next week our cafeteria 
schedule will be from 11:00 to 4:00, so we will be open for lunch and 
any afternoon cravings you may have.

Ruth Steinberger with the Oklahoma Spay/Neuter program will be at the 
Wilburton City Council meeting this evening at 6:00 to present 
information on a spay and neuter program for pets belonging to people 
with low incomes, and what is needed to get this program to come to our 
city.  Anyone who is upset by the needless killing of homeless pets 
needs to attend this meeting.  Basically we are looking for a suitable 
building or large room to use for this program once a month or so to 
provide spay and neuter services to the many pets in this area whose 
owners are struggling financially and cannot afford the regular price to 
have their pets spayed or neutered to prevent more unwanted puppies and 
kittens from being born.  This would be a tremendous help to the city of 
Wilburton and its citizens, both human and animal.

Don't forget, the announcement of the winner of Eastern's Biggest Loser 
competition will be made tomorrow morning in the Student Center lobby.  
Be sure and be there to congratulate the winners.

Our menu for today includes:
            Pork ribs
 or        Hamburgers
            Tator bites
            Steamed cabbage
            Macaroni and cheese
            Navy beans
and for dessert, have a yummy Brownie!

Have a great day at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)               
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