[Eoscstudents] Menus for week of Nov. 7 to 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 7 09:32:10 CST 2011

Hi folks,

Homecoming week is over once again here at Eastern, leaving 2 weeks of 
class before the long awaited Thanksgiving break.  Congratulations go 
out to our newly elected Homecoming King  and Queen, Nick Goza and Emily 

Tuesday will mark the first anniversary of Mountaineer Radio!  That's a 
lot of great music, news, stories and cutting up by Doug Sims.  Be sure 
and tune in every chance you get to hear what's going on and let the 
great music relieve your stress.

There will be a Blood Drive held in front of the Student Center on 
Wednesday, so go by there and donate if you can.  Someone's life may 
depend on it.

Also on Wednesday, there will be a Student Government meeting at 6:00 in 
Room 224 of the Student Center.

Friday, there will be a special Veteran's Day program in Mitchell 
Auditorium at noon, hosted by Ruth Brelsford's Honor Students.  If you 
are in the service, or are a veteran, or just want to honor a special 
veteran or maybe all of them as a whole, please attend this tribute to 
those who keep our country free.

Also, be sure and turn in your student workers time sheets by noon on 
Friday so they can be processed for payment.

And on Friday, Professor Kay Langham or our Business Department, will 
celebrate a birthday.  Hope you have a great one, Kay!

For you music lovers, there will be a concert by award winning violinist 
Michael Ginsburg and friend at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday 
evening.  This should be a wonderful performance so be sure and make 
plans to attend.

And FINALLY, on Sunday, Nov. 13th, everybody's favorite DJ, Doug Sims 
will be celebrating his birthday.  I will not divulge the number 
associated with this event (unless someone offers me a sufficient amount 
of money), but I hope he has a great day and many more to follow!

Our menus for the week include:
Monday:      Lasagna, steamed baby red potatoes, broccoli with cheese 
sauce, corn, bread sticks, and cheesecake

Tuesday:      Chicken pot pie, or salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and 
gravy, fried okra, fresh spinach, baby carrots, hot rolls, assorted     

Wednesday:   Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, blackeyed peas, cabbage, 
fried squash, hot rolls, cherry cobbler

Thursday:      Pork chops, mashed potaotes and gravy, macaroni and 
cheese, pinto beans, California blend vegetables, cornbread, hot         
            rolls, banana pudding

Friday:         Chicken fried chicken or cheeseburgers and fries, mashed 
potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, fried okra, green beans,         
            strawberry cobbler

Have a great week at Eastern,
Rhoda   :-)

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