[Eoscstudents] Menus for Week of Nov. 28 to Dec. 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 28 09:15:54 CST 2011

Hi folks,

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break with plenty to eat and 
plenty of time to relax!  I really enjoyed the break from the alarm 
clock and the time clock!  It's hard to believe this is the last week of 
classes before Finals Week!  I had to call Dana to make sure.  I know 
there will be LOT of events going on on campus in the next couple of 
weeks as everyone tries to squeeze everything in before the end of 
classes and Christmas break. 

I hope everyone wishes our new Housing Director, Lauren Polk, a very 
Happy Birthday today!  She's really sweet and we want to make her 
welcome at Eastern.  If you haven't met her yet, you should make a point 
to stop by and get acquainted, although you may be confused, as she 
looks like she should be a student.

And Tuesday, Nov. 29, our Administrative Assistant in the Athletic 
Department, Lindy Morgan, (daughter of Gear Up's Linda Morgan) will be 
celebrating her birthday, so be sure and wish her a great day!

This Sunday, Dec. 4th will bring another Eastern tradition, our 
Candlelighting program.  This will be the first time to have it directed 
by proud new dad, Patrick Moore, so be sure and come enjoy this 
wonderful concert.  (I'm hoping we'll get to see Letoria and Gavin, the 
new little addition to the Moore family as well.)

Weekly menus:
Monday:        Lasagna, baby red skin potatoes, corn, green beans, 
winter blend veggies, bread sticks, cheesecake

Tuesday:        Beef tips over rice, chicken fried chicken, mashed 
potatoes, gravy, baby carrots, brussels sprouts, zucchini and tomatoes, 
hot rolls, apple cobbler

Wednesday:    Sausage jambalaya, baked potatoes, fried okra, blackeyed 
peas, corn, hot rolls, cookies

Thursday:        Chicken parmesan, steamed broccoli, corn on the cob, 
fried squash, garlic bread, fresh apple cake

Friday:            Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, pinto 
beans, turnip greens, macaroni and cheese, California blend veggies, 
biscuits or cornbread, cherry cobbler

Have a great week at Eastern,

Rhoda   :-)

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