[Eoscstudents] [Fwd: [Trio-list] scam alert: government grants]

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 3 17:01:10 CDT 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Trio-list] scam alert: government grants
Date: 	Mon, 03 Oct 2011 14:40:55 -0500
From: 	Cameron, Cindy <Cindy.Cameron at ed.gov>
To: 	trio-list at uwm.edu <trio-list at uwm.edu>

Scam Alert

In the autumn, students (especially high school seniors) are looking for 
scholarships and preparing to apply for other types of financial aid. 
Please remind your students that the government WILL NOT CALL THEM to 
offer them grants.

We at the U.S. Department of Education occasionally hear from students 
who have been scammed by telemarketers who contact them, tell them they 
have won a government grant, and ask for their bank account information. 
Many students are savvy enough to realize the call must be a scam, but 
some are taken in.

Help your students avoid such scams by distributing "Don't Get Scammed 
on Your Way to College," available at www.studentaid.ed.gov/pubs 


(direct link to our Consumer Protection publications section: 



Cindy Forbes Cameron

Customer Experience

Federal Student Aid

US Dept of Education


for students: www.studentaid.ed.gov <http://www.federalstudentaid.ed.gov/>

for counselors: www.fsa4counselors.ed.gov 

for everyone: 1-800-4-FED-AID

P Be Green! Please don't print this e-mail unless necessary


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