[Eoscstudents] Menu for week of Mon. Oct. 10 to Fri. Oct. 14

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 10 09:53:37 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Happy Columbus Day!  Knowing that Columbus was trying to go somewhere 
totally different when he discovered America should make you feel a lot 
better if you ever get lost.  Who knows when you might discover 
something wonderful on accident! 

If you have a student worker, please remember to turn in their time 
sheet on Wednesday so they can be paid for all their hard work.

This Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 in Mitchell Auditorium, 
Theatre Eastern will be presenting Nickel and Dimed, a play about trying 
to make it on low wages in America.  If you're in that category, you'll 
want to see it because you can relate so well to it, and if you're 
fortunate enough not to be in that category, you need to see it to see 
how difficult it is for those who are in that category.   Cost is $5 for 
Adults, and $3 for Senior citizens and students under 18.  Admission is 
free for Eastern students and employees.  Following the play on Thursday 
Oct. 13, there will be a panel made up of community members and local 
business owners there to field questions and discuss issues with 
audience members.  This should be very enlightening and a rare 
opportunity to learn both sides of the issues involved, as well as share 
your own story with the panel and audience members.  Please don't miss 
this wonderful opportunity to see this informative work and support 
Theatre Eastern!

Saturday, (on Keith Lewis' birthday),  the EOSC Staff Council will host 
the annual Eastern Family picnic, open to all Eastern employees and 
their families.  The picnic will be held at Robber's Cave State Park, in 
and around the pavilion by the pool.  Get there early and bring your 
lawn chairs!  There will be a horseshoes competition with a ca$h prize, 
kids games and an inflatable bouncy for the little ones, as well as lots 
of door prizes, including ca$h, so you don't want to miss that, or the 
great food.  Eddie Woods is once again doing our grilling, so you know 
it'll be great!  We'll provide the main course, (hot dogs and the 
fixings), but please bring a dessert with a serving utensil to share.

For lots of current local and world information and great music be sure 
and tune into Mountaineer Radio at www.radio.eosc.edu!

Our Cafeteria menus for the week include:

Monday:        Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli with 
cheese sauce, corn, garden blend rice, hot rolls, and chocolate         

Tuesday:        Chicken fried chicken, char-grilled pork chops, mashed 
potatoes and gravy, black eyed peas, California blend vegetables,     
                fresh spinach, hot rolls, and assorted pies.

Wednesday:    Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, green beans, fried squash, 
baby carrots, hot rolls, and peach cobbler.

Thursday:        Smoked sausage with potatoes, onions and peppers, fried 
okra, macaroni and cheese, pinto beans, cabbage, hot rolls, and         

Friday:            Beef stroganoff OR tuna subs with chips, baked potato 
bar, green beans, corn on the cob, Malibu vegetables, hot rolls,         
                and brownies.

Have a great week at Eastern,       
Rhoda     :-)        
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