[Eoscstudents] Menu for week of Mon. Sept. 19 to Fri. Sept. 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Sep 19 10:10:19 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Looks like a great day outside, and we got some wonderful rain this 
weekend that we've needed very badly. 

Very Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Lori Mitchell of Student 
Services, and Linda Morgan of GearUp.  If you see them, or have time to 
call or text them, be sure and wish them a wonderful day.  They're both 
really great gals.

Don't forget tomorrow or Wednesday to make it a point to stop in the 
Student Center between 9 and 3 with your best smile on and have your 
picture made for the next Mountaineer yearbook.  You know when you're 
old and your kids think you don't know anything, you'll want to be able 
to prove to them that you actually did get a college education and might 
just know a few things after all.  Plus they probably won't believe you 
were ever young and good looking either, so get the proof now!

Our lunch menus for this week are as follows:

Monday:        Baked chicken, Mashed potatoes and gravy, California 
blend vegetables, Macaroni and cheese, Wild rice, Corn, Rolls, and     
                Bread pudding.

Tuesday:        Cube steak or Smoked Sausage, Mashed potatoes and gravy, 
Green beans, Fried okra, Asparagus, Hot rolls, White bean             
            and ham soup on the salad bar, and Assorted pies

Wednesday:   Pork chops, Steamed red potatoes, Gravy, Blackeyed peas, 
Cabbage, Garden blend rice, Macaroni and cheese, Hot rolls,             
            and Coconut cake

Thursday:      Meatloaf, Scalloped potatoes, Fresh spinach, Pinto beans, 
Winter blend vegetables, Corn, Hot rolls, and Apricot cobbler

Friday:         Chicken alfredo, Baked potatoes, Broccoli, Baby carrots, 
Fried squash, Garlic bread, and Chocolate delight

Have a great week at Eastern,
Rhoda   :-)
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