[Eoscstudents] Menus for Mon. April 2 to Fri. April 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 2 10:09:27 CDT 2012

Hi folks,

Well, the big news here in the Cafeteria this week is that Mildred is 
back off sick leave!  We've warned her not to push herself too much, 
though.  She was very ill and run down and doesn't need to have a repeat 
of that.  Kevin has been handling things well, but I'm sure we're all 
glad to have her back as it's getting to be a very busy time of the year 
and we'll need her expertise on certain things to get us through. 

Tomorrow Eastern will host the annual Scholastic Contest on campus, so 
there will be no college classes, but we'll have swarms of high school 
students here to compete in the various categories in the hoping to win 
in their respective subjects and bring honor to themselves and their 
school, and possibly win a $600.00 scholarship to Eastern when they 
graduate.  Be sure to make them welcome and give them any assistance 
they may require.

Wednesday, there will be a job fair at McAlester.  Eastern will provide 
transportation to this event for up to 30 students who pre-register with 
Dana Lewis at 918-465-1818 before 5:00 today.  This fair will enable 
students to visit with business contacts as well as four-year college 
representatives to learn about more options for the future.

Thursday, have those Shred-It bins full as the Shred-It truck will be 
here to empty them once again.  I keep a file folder on my desk labeled 
"Recycling" to stick papers in to run to the bin on occasion.

Friday we will be having a campus-wide Full Scale Emergency Drill, so be 
ready to evacuate if necessary or to take whatever action is appropriate 
to the given circumstances.

Birthdays on campus this week include:  Wednesday, EOSC Theatre Director 
and Latimer County Arts Council President, Melissa Lee; Friday, 
Assistant Librarian, Kim Pendergraft and OMTI Administrative Assistant 
Danita Oller; Saturday, Student Services Administrative Assistant Dana 
Lewis, and Sunday, Financial Aid Administrative Assistant Amanda White.  
Please wish all these wonderful people some great birthdays!

And Sunday, Happy Easter!

Our menus for this week include:

Monday:            Tortilla Casserole, refried beans, Mexican rice, 
cornbread, cheesecake

Tuesday:            BBQ on a bun, chicken strips, French fries, potato 
salad, baked beans, brownies      Cyber Cafe:  Hamburgers, chicken 
strips, fries

Wednesday:        Pork loin, mashed potatoes, pinto beans, green beans, 
corn, hot rolls, fresh apple cake

Thursday:            Chicken alfredo, steamed baby red potatoes, 
California blend vegetables, wild rice, green beans, hot rolls, 
blackberry cobbler

Friday:                Fish or salisbury steak, scalloped potatoes, 
pinto beans, turnip greens, corn on the cob, cornbread, cobbler

Have a great week at Eastern.  Come eat with us, we appreciate your 

Rhoda    :-)                 
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