[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Aug. 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Aug 7 09:24:41 CDT 2012

Hi folks,

Looking at the weather forecast, this looks like the hottest day 
predicted for the next couple of weeks, so if we can make it through 
today it shouldn't be quite so hot.  Be sure and keep your outdoor 
plants watered well, along with any pets that might have to stay 
outdoors.  It's also a good idea to check on the welfare of any elderly 
neighbors, or anyone you know doesn't have air conditioning.  This heat 
is brutal if you have to be out in it, or have no air conditioning to 
cool your home.  Keep cool and keep hydrated.

Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Tracy Clark, one of our campus 
computer gurus.  I hope he has a great day.

Our menu for today includes:

       Roast beef
       Mashed potatoes and gravy
       Garden blend rice
       Hot rolls

And the Cyber Cafe will be open as well, to provide your favorite 
sandwich if you're in a fast food mood.

Come eat with us, we appreciate your business!
Rhoda   :-)
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