June Haynes jhaynes at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 16 12:01:27 CST 2012

SSS participants interested in going on the TRiO Day trip to OK City must
sign up in Johnston 111. 


We must leave the Wilburton Campus promptly at 6am. The EOSC bus will pick
up all students living in the Wilburton area in front of Johnston Hall.(6am)
It will be a long, but interesting and educational day.  The conference is
held in the OK State Legislative House  Chamber.  You will hear other TRiO
participants speak about how their TRiO program has helped them be
successful academically and in their careers. We will all have guest
speakers from the OK House as well.  We will meet with Senator Lerblance,
Rep. Renegar, Rep. Condit, Rep. Cannady, and Rep. Pruett, all of which will
take a group photo with us.  You will receive an 8 x 10 autographed, free
copy.  Time will be allowed for a quick tour of the OK State Capitol.  The
House will not be in session at the time we are there, so we will not be
able to view any legislative actions. 


All Oklahoma Colleges and Universities that have TRiO programs, such as:
Talent Search, Upward Bound, Student Support Services, Veterans' Upward
Bound, McNair, and Choctaw Upward may choose to bring students to this TRiO
Day of recognition.  There will be a lot of TRiO students roaming the hall
of the the OK State Capitol.  It is always more interesting to me, if we
make it on time to sit in the House Chambers, but that is not always
possible. Other seating is provided and we can view the program on big
screen.  The program start promptly at 10am.(Thus, why we leave at 6am)
Sometimes we have traffic issues on I 40 that detain us.  Don't be late.
Our bus will leave campus at 6am sharp! We plan to be at Hartshorne at
6:16am and the McAlester Campus at 6:30am. (Don't be late Dr. Harrison!)


We will then go to Brick Town to eat a nice lunch.  You will then be given
an opportunity to explore Brick Town for approximately 1 hour.  All meals
will be provided for SSS participants by the Student Support Services
program.   We will be traveling in one of Eastern's buses with our favorite
driver Mr. Robert Tackett. (Robert, I will take my motion sickness pill
before we start.) . If you have your cell phones on the bus(ha), please keep
the ringers on vibrate and remember that the rest of us do not care to
listen to you conversation or your music.

Students are responsible for bringing any special accommodations (med., such
as inhalers, or others, and snacks that you might require for special diets.
(I will bring and take my own motion sickness med.)


Please do not wear strong colognes or perfumes.  We have some people that
are super-sensitive to these. You may dress casually (jeans and sneakers are
fine). You will receive a free TRiO tee-shirt as we depart.  


All cell phones and any electronic devices must be off when entering the
House Chambers  All hats or caps must also be taken off.  You must be quiet
and attentive and respectful at all times.(This is not my rules, but House
rules, and Sentries are there to enforce them!)



Breakfast will be provided on the bus for all students.  We will make a
stop(briefly) at the Flash'n Dash at Hartshorne( to pick up any students
living in the  Hartshorne or Haileyville area.  Our next stop(briefly), will
be at the McAlester Campus to pick up students and staff living in that


We hope you decide to join us for an exciting and busy day.  If you have any
questions, please call me, June Haynes, SSS Counselor, 918.465.1822.


Please remember our TRiO Day community action program this year is a Food
collection.  Just one item per person can me the difference between someone
in Ok not going hungry. Boxes are available in buildings across campus or
you may bring your donation the day of the trip.  You may also call
918.465.1822, and I will pick up your donations


Thank You,

I will see you on Wed., Feb. 22, 2012 at 6am

Mrs. Haynes


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