[Eoscstudents] SSS Grant Aid ALERT!

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 21 15:37:41 CST 2012

   Grant Aid for this semester is in the works!  I will have the sign-up 
sheet ready in the next day or two, and I will let you all know as soon 
as you can come by and apply for the scholarship.  However, in compiling 
the list, I have found many students who have not used the services at 
all.  This concerns me, because, unless you use the services, you are 
not eligible to apply!  You all still have time to complete the required 
workshops and make some visits with the staff here in Johnston Hall, but 
you need to hurry!

The deadline for signing up will be March 16!   You must have completed 
the workshops and made some visits to Student Support Services in order 
to qualify for the grant by that day.  The workshops can be done Monday 
through Friday from 8 am till 5 pm.  Also, students who cannot come in 
to do them may contact June Haynes @ (918-465-1822), Kathy Howe @ 
918-465-1860 or myself, Sue Lovett @918-4651823.  Mrs. Haynes and Ms. 
Howe have the workshops and can send them to you via e-mail.  Also, 
Tammy Crow has them on flash drive in Idabel.  She will submit them for 
you.  There are 5 required workshops and all five take only take 45 
minutes to complete. 

To be eligible, you will need the following:

1.  Be an active member of SSS and completed the workshops for Mrs. 
Haynes and Ms. Howe.
2.  Have a GPA of 2.0 or greater.  (Come see me if you are below 2.0)
3.  Be receiving Pell Grant.
4.  Have an unmet need of at least $555.
5.  Have been in SSS for at least 2 semesters.  (Counting this one.)  If 
you joined this semester, you won't qualify until next fall.

Do not worry too much about the unmet need.  When you come in and 
sign-up, I will send your name to Financial Aid, and they will do the 
math to see if you have unmet need.  Most students do, but there are a 
few who don't.  This is one of the federal requirements, so it is a 
must.  The Pell Grant is also a federal requirement.

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