[Eoscstudents] Menus for Mon. June 25 thru Thurs. June 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jun 25 10:08:05 CDT 2012

Hi folks,

 From what I hear it's going to be a scorching week, so be sure and 
drink plenty of fluids if you're going to be out in it, and leave plenty 
of water out for any outdoor pets or animals you take care of.  Make 
sure they have shade they can get to, as well.  And water your plants 
well, also.  Watch out for snakes when you go out in the evenings, 
also.  I have killed two copperheads in my front yard in the past week, 
after not having seen any there for YEARS!!! 

This Tuesday, don't forget to go VOTE!!!  (We may finally to get some of 
these political signs off our roadsides.)

This Thursday evening at 6:00 at the Latimer County Public Library, we 
will have our monthly PAWS meeting in the small meeting room.  Everyone 
who likes dogs is invited to attend.

Happy Birthday wishes go out to these members of our EOSC family this 
week:  Today, Joyce Bills, our Human Resources Director; Tuesday, her 
sister, Karen Clark, our Registrar; and Friday, could it be triplets?  
Sandra Kuykendall and Jamie Lyons of the Cafeteria, and Roland Newby of 
the McAlester campus.  Happy Birthday to all of you!!!

Monday:      Chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green 
beans, corn on the cob, fried okra, hot rolls, Oreo cheesecake.

Tuesday:        Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, broccoli, baby carrots, 
fried squash, hot rolls, dessert.

Wednesday:    Goulash, mashed potatoes and gravy, English peas, fresh 
spinach, macaroni and cheese, California blend vegetables, hot rolls, 

Thursday:        Stuffed cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes and brown gravy, 
corn, fried okra, pinto beans, hot rolls, cornbread, Key Lime pie.

Have a great week here at Eastern and KEEP COOL,

Rhoda    8-)

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