[Eoscstudents] Menus for Mon. Mar. 5th thru Fri. Mar. 9th

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 5 09:51:19 CST 2012

Hi folks,

What a wonderful weekend we had!  I got out and planted some pansies and 
some herb seeds, just to see if I could grow anything, and to be able to 
be outside enjoying the wonderful weather. 

This will be a busy week on campus when Eastern hosts thousands of area 
school children coming to see the Eastern Theater Department's 
production of Hansel and Gretel.  Performances will be at 10:00 a.m. and 
1:00 p.m. on Mon., Tues., and Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. on Wed. and Fri.  
An evening performance will be held on Friday at 7:00 p.m. for the 
public to attend.  Admission for the general public is $1.00, and 
Eastern students, staff and faculty are admitted free.

Don't be alarmed if you see emergency vehicles and personnel swarming 
around Salmon Hall today, and maybe even hear what sounds like shots.   
Our local law enforcement personnel are staging an Active Shooter 
Training Exercise on campus today, in the old Salmon Hall dorm,  to hone 
their skills for any possible real emergencies that might take place. 

ECU recruiters will be on campus today in the Ballroom from Noon to 2:00 
p.m. so if you are looking for a college to transfer to after Eastern, 
go up and talk to them.  ECU might be the right choice for you!

Tuesday, don't forget to go vote!  It's time to voice your opinion and 
choose the candidate you feel will best lead this country in a positive 

Also, on Tuesday at 3:00 and 6:00 p.m., open auditions will be held in 
Mitchell Auditorium for "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream 
Coat".  Be ready to read, sing and dance to earn a spot in this 
fantastic upcoming production!

Wednesday, there will be a "28 for a Day" career fair on campus for area 
high school students, so get ready to make them welcome to Eastern.

Shred-It will be emptying their bins on campus this Thursday, March 8.  
I know the one upstairs in the Student Center, and the two in the 
Mailroom in Choctaw are full already, so if you have any papers to send 
off, check with one of the other areas to see if they have space for you 
to use.

And don't forget, this coming Sunday, Daylight Savings Time begins!  
Whoohoo!  We'll be getting an extra hour of daylight in the evenings to 
get out and enjoy.  You can catch up on that hour of sleep you'll lose 
when you put the hammock up.

Birthdays for this week include:   Gail Wilson of our Financial Aid 
office on Wednesday, and Noreen Dollins of the Bookstore on Friday.  You 
ladies enjoy yourselves!

Menus for Mon. Mar. 5th thru Fri. Mar. 9th:

Monday:        Pepper steak over rice, baby carrots, green beans, hot 
rolls, apple cobbler.

Tuesday:        Smoked sausage with potatoes, onions and peppers, or 
spaghetti with meat sauce, broccoli, corn, squash, garlic bread sticks, 
poke cake.

Wednesday:    BBQ on a bun and fries, or chicken alfredo, steamed red 
potatoes, meadow blend veggies, English peas, hot rolls, fudge brownies.

Thursday:        Chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, fried 
okra, green beans, macaroni and cheese, biscuits, peach cobbler.

Friday:            Fish sticks or grilled chicken, scalloped potatoes, 
pinto beans, cabbage, cornbread or rolls, lemon delight.

We have a full salad bar daily, with fresh fruits as they come into 
season.  We are also offering meat alternatives for those who are 
observing Lent.

Come eat with us, we appreciate your business!

Rhoda    :-)             

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