[Eoscstudents] [Eoscall] Menu for Wed. Nov. 28

Billye Givens bgivens at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 28 12:54:58 CST 2012

Happy Birthday to Rhoda Watkins for yesterday!!!!!  Thanks for always being
the keeper of birthdays for us and for being such a great advocate for
Eastern Oklahoma State College!!!!!


From: eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Rhoda Watkins
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 9:06 AM
To: EOSC All; EOSC Students; Chamber of Commerce; Wilburton Mainstreet; Mike
Mooney; Debbie Martin; Jerry Dyer; Pat Montana; Beth Bunton; Donna Fisher;
Bill Mayo; Eddie Mayo; Mark Evans; Lynn Shaffer; J. Lodes; Julie G.; Tony
Johnson; Dorothy Coffey; Sunny Collums; C. C. & Suzee Puckett; Bobbie
Vinson; Sandra Johnson; Pat Turner; Pat Dawson; Mike Cathey; April Coates;
Sheri Saxon; Malissa Evans; Carli Lay
Subject: [Eoscall] Menu for Wed. Nov. 28


Hi folks,


Our menu today consists of:


Goulash, green beans, zucchini and tomatoes, steamed red potatoes, garlic
bread, and chocolate cake.


A blood drive is scheduled to be held in our Ballroom today between 9:00 and
3:00, so get up there and donate!  You could save a life!


Very Happy Birthday wishes go out today to our Residence Life Coordinator,
Lauren Polk!  Have a great day, Lauren!


See you in the Cafeteria!

Rhoda    @=


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