[Eoscstudents] Menus for Mon. Apr. 1 thru Fri. Apr. 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 1 09:19:04 CDT 2013

Hi folks,
 I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend.  It really turned out to be a  wonderful day after a rainy, stormy start.
There will be no day classes held on the Wilburton campus on Tuesday, as we will be swarming with kids here for the annual scholastic contest.  Busloads of kids from area schools will be here to compete in contests in a variety of subjects, and get a look at college life and our beautiful campus.  Please make them welcome and assist them in any way possible.  We want their experience here to be a pleasant one that will encourage them to continue their education here after high school.  
Saturday, Kim Pendergraft of our library, and Danita Oller of OMTI will celebrate their birthday. Then on Sunday, Dana Lewis, Administrative Assistant in the Registrar's Office will celebrate her birthday.  Be sure and wish these special ladies a very special day.
Lunch menus for this week include:
Monday:  Chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, fresh broccoli, macaroni and cheese, hot rolls, coconut crunch.
Tuesday:  BBQ on a bun, potato salad or chips, baked beans, cole slaw, chocolate chip brownies.
Wednesday:  Pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh spinach, fresh blackeyed peas, fried squash, hot rolls, peach cobbler.
Thursday:  Lasagna, steamed red potatoes, green beans, fresh cauliflower, hot rolls, cherry cheesecake.
Friday:  Fish or steak melts, baked potato or fries, fried okra, corn on the cob, pinto beans, cornbread, strawberry cobbler.
Dinner menus include:
Monday:  Beef tips over rice, baby carrots, English peas, or choose from Cyber Café menu.  Ice cream with toppings for dessert.
Tuesday:  Pasta bar featuring macaroni and cheese, pepperoni penne, spaghetti with pesto sauce, and garlic bread, or choose from Cyber menu. Ice cream and toppings for dessert.
Wednesday:  Smoked sausage, scalloped potatoes, green beans, corn or Cyber menu.  Ice cream with toppings for dessert.
Thursday:  Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli, lima beans, or Cyber menu.  Ice cream with toppings for dessert.
Friday:  Cyber Café menu.
Have a great week at Eastern,
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