[Eoscstudents] enus for Mon. Apr. 22 thru Fri. Apr. 26 Happy Earth Day!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 22 09:58:15 CDT 2013

Happy Earth Day!
There will be a luncheon at 11:30 today in the Ballroom to honor Eastern's Administrative Professionals.  This is always an enjoyable event with wonderful food, and it's always nice to get together with the other Administrative Professionals on campus and be waited on by our supervisors.  
Looks like we're going to have wonderful weather for our 2nd Annual Recycling Carnival/Earth Day Celebration on campus today from 5:00 to 7:00.  Be sure and attend this special event and bring your recyclables to "buy" your dinner.  There will be burgers, drinks, chips and cookies, all available for the cost of one recyclable can or plastic bottle each.  What a deal!  
There will be a Staff Council meeting Tuesday at 2:00 in the Library Conference Room.  Anyone who is interested in attending or participating on the council is encouraged to attend.
Wednesday will bring the annual Employee Recognition Reception, where Eastern's long time employees will receive recognition for their years of service to the college and the students.   
Thursday evening at 6:00, there will be a PAWS meeting at the Latimer County Public Library.  All dog lovers are urged to attend.
This Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Eastern's Theatre Department under the direction of Sarah Klocke, will present "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" featuring several of Eastern's wonderful actors, along with a number of area high school students who will be attending Eastern this fall.  Be sure and come out and see this cartoon classic brought to life for your enjoyment.  Admission is $5 for the general public, but Eastern students, staff and faculty will be admitted free.
Also on Friday, Gear Up's Claudia Keith will be celebrating her birthday, so be sure and wish her a wonderful day.
Lunch menus for this week include:
Monday:  Chicken fried steak or BBQ, mashed potatoes and gravy, California blend vegetables, fried squash, hot rolls, orange poke cake.
Tuesday:  Pork loin or chicken strips, steamed red potatoes, fresh spinach, mixed vegetables, hot rolls, blackberry cobbler.
Wednesday:  Meatloaf or grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and brown gravy, cabbage, blackeyed peas, hot rolls, banana pudding.
Thursday:  Chicken and rice casserole or steak melts with fries, English peas, corn, vegetable blend, hot rolls, cherry cobbler.
Friday:  Fish wedges or burritos with chili and cheese, scalloped potatoes, pinto beans, fried okra, macaroni and cheese, hot rolls and cornbread, assorted cookies.
Have a great week at Eastern,
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