[Eoscstudents] Student Support Services Participants ONLY - All Campuses

Kathy Howe khowe at eosc.edu
Wed Aug 14 17:13:49 CDT 2013

To all of our returning participants, Welcome back!!


Just as a reminder, in order to remain an active participant in SSS, you
must participate.  In order to be eligible for the Grant Aid Scholarship
later this semester, or next semester if you received it in the spring, you
must  complete the workshops for Kinya and the financial literacy workshops
for me before you sign up for the scholarship.  These need to be completed
at least once a year.   You must also get in at least one other contact.  


Below is the list of Financial Literacy workshops available for this fall
semester.  You can choose between Making the Money Fit and Your Credit
Report Card.  The column to the right of your choices says what topics are


Once you decide which workshop you wish to do, Email me at khowe at eosc.edu
with your choice and I will Email the pre-tests to you.  Type in your
answers, save it to your computer, and then attach it to an Email and send
it back to me.  If you don't know some of the answers, that's OK.  Just
leave those blank.  


I will then Email you the post-tests with the web address on them for you to
go to so you can listen to the tracks and fill in your answers.  When you
are done, just send them back.


Workshops for Fall 2013, 2015, etc. (Fall_1)

The web address for each podcast is on each post-test under the name of the

Choose one workshop set (below).

What each workshop set includes:

Making the Money Fit

1) Personal Budget Plan

2) Income VS Expense

3) What To Do When Debt Gets Overwhelming

Your Credit Report Card

1) Who Creates Them

2) How They Work

3) Credit Score


To get the workshops from Kinya, Email her at kmeineke at eosc.edu and let her
know you wish to do them.



K Howe

Student Support Services


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