[Eoscstudents] violence against women demonstration

Ruth Brelsford rbrelsford at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 12 12:47:24 CST 2013

Attention Women and Men who care about Women:


There is an international effort to focus attention on violence against
women scheduled for Valentine's Day on Thursday.  In light of some of the
more spectacular events of recent months where a young woman was shot in the
head for wanting to go to school in Pakistan and another young woman was
pulled from a bus and violently raped and murdered in India, this is a
timely event.  We know that 1 in 3 women in our world will suffer violence
in her lifetime. That means one billion women! We also know, if we pay
attention to statistics, that women in Oklahoma are especially vulnerable to
domestic abuse.   


Students in the Honors Program are sponsoring a short demonstration in the
cafeteria during the noon hour on Thursday.  We are asking those students,
faculty, and staff who want to help focus attention on this devastating
problem to wear red on Thursday and meet in the cafeteria about 12:15.  We
will watch the video One Billion Rising and stand in solidarity with women
all over the world.


This event will last only 10 minutes, but it is important. 


Faculty:  please announce this effort to your classes tomorrow and Thursday


What better way to show our love for the women who are important in our
lives than standing together in solidarity on Valentine's Day!


If you have questions, get back to me at this address or at x 762.

--Ruth Brelsford

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