[Eoscstudents] Blood Drive

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 7 09:17:44 CST 2013

The American Red Cross is running very low on type O- and B- blood, and is
planning to be at the Haileyville High School Gym on Tuesday, March 12.
They will be there from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm that day.  They are collecting
blood of all types, but are especially needing the O- and B- the most.  If
you cannot donate blood yourself, but you know someone who can, please pass
along this information.  Right now, they only have enough of those types to
last 2 months.

You can call them to donate at 1800-RED-CROSS.


Thank You,

Sue Lovett, Student Support Services

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