[Eoscstudents] Menus for Mon. Marc. 25 thru Fri. Mar. 29

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 25 09:57:28 CDT 2013

Hi folks,
Welcome back from Spring Break!  I hope everyone enjoyed their week off.  I have to say, it didn't feel very springlike for quite a bit of the week, though.  I could've used a little more warmth myself, but it surely won't be long til we'll have more of that than we know what to do with.
There is an EOSC Staff Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, at 2:00 in the Library Conference Room, and all interested parties are invited to attend. 
A TALENT SHOW is planned for Wed. evening at 8:00 in the beautiful newly renovated Johnnie Wray Theatre, (formerly Pratt Little Theatre).  Be sure and come see all the hidden talent we have here at Eastern.  
Thursday evening at 6:00, there will be a Latimer County Arts Council meeting at the Old Library/Red Cross Building on North Central, and a PAWS meeting at the New Library on West Ada.  
The annual FFA Interscholastic Contest will take place at Eastern this Friday (Good Friday), and will bring hundreds of potential students to our campus.  There will be no day classes held on the Wilburton campus that day to accommodate this contest.
And of course, this coming Sunday will be Easter, and I hope you all have an enjoyable one.
EOSC birthdays this week include:  Computer Information System Instructor Darren Schoggins on Sun. March 24, and VP of Academic Affairs Dr. Karen Harrison today, March 25.  Happy Birthday to both of you!
Lunch menus for this week include:
Monday:  Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, variety of vegetables, hot rolls, chocolate cake.
Tuesday:  Pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, squash, blackeyed peas, turnip greens, hot rolls, peach cobbler.
Wednesday:  Brisket, roasted red skin potatoes, brown gravy, baked beans, corn on the cob, okra, hot rolls, fresh apple cake.
Thursday:  Chicken and dumplings, baked potato bar, variety of vegetables, biscuits, cookie bar.
Friday:  Fish, fried potatoes, pinto beans, macaroni and cheese, cabbage, cornbread, or Hamburgers with fries, ice cream with assorted toppings.
Have a great week at Eastern,
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