[Eoscstudents] EYE CLUES!!

Maria Martinez mmartinez at eosc.edu
Tue Sep 24 12:30:20 CDT 2013

Hello all, 


I am sorry that I haven't been sending eye clues every day, so here are some
more for your browsing !! J  ENTRIES ARE DUE TO LIBRARY BY 3pm FRIDAY!!



Eye picture #1- This person works very closely with the person in Eye
picture #22.  In fact, they are the only two people who work in this "BIG"


Eye picture #26- This person is a professor.


Eye picture #37- This person helped us with all those WONDERFUL Library Expo
prizes we gave away!


Eye picture #9- She can help you get a job on campus.  So can the kind lady
in picture # 39!!


Eye picture #12- She is a faculty member :0)


Eye picture #49- You would call this person "Dean."






GOOD LUCK.. all entries are due by Friday!  We are looking for more student
entries!!  Remember, if you have the most, you win a $50 AMAZON GIFT CARD


Remember that you can view the pictures online at www.eosc.edu/eyeread .





Mrs. Maria K. Martinez

Director of Library Media Services

Eastern Oklahoma State College

1301 W. Main Street 

Wilburton, OK  74578

Office  918.465.1711

Fax  918.465.0112 

 <mailto:mmartinez at eosc.edu> mmartinez at eosc.edu



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