[Eoscstudents] INFO on Grant Aid Points

Kinya Meineke kmeineke at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 4 09:05:14 CDT 2014

Student Support Services Students-


We would like to encourage you to attend the Denmark presentation (see below
for more information).  If you attend, you will receive activity points, and
it counts as a Cultural experience.  Which will help with your Grant Aid
points, and I will also enter you in to win the End of School Basket.  I
will be at the presentation but you will need to sign in.  Hope to see you


Friday, April 4


Sullivan Hall


Kinya Meineke, M.A.g.


Student Support Services

Eastern Oklahoma State College

"Your Tomorrow Begins Today"



From: eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Ruth Brelsford
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 9:42 AM
To: eoscstudents at lists.onenet.net; eoscfac at lists.onenet.net;
eoscall at lists.onenet.net
Subject: [Eoscall] presentation about Denmark tomorrow


The students from Denmark have been learning about our college, culture, and
state all week and now they want to share their culture and college with us!
Please join us in Sullivan Hall tomorrow at 1pm to hear the students and
their sponsors and see a brief video about the country where sociologists
say the people are the happiest and most content in the world.  I want to
hear about that, don't you?


Math and Science division have invited the Danes for lunch and we will hear
their presentation immediately following.  There will be signs to tell you
which room to go to.


I hope we have a really good audience for these students!

See you:                              Friday, April 4


                                                Sullivan Hall

If you have questions, text me at 918-448-5034.


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