[Eoscstudents] Rave Alert Test and monthly safety reminders

Bryan Denny bdenny at eosc.edu
Thu Jan 16 15:24:35 CST 2014

Greetings students, staff, and faculty and welcome back for another semester of classes.  As we begin this new year it is important to remember the dangers of Oklahoma weather, especially in dealing with freezing temperatures.  When driving, be sure to pay close attention to the outside temperature and moisture accumulation as roadways may have ice on them that is not easily seen.  It is also a good idea to carry in your vehicle a cell phone, blanket, cat liter (can help you get unstuck), ice scraper, additional warm clothing, and snack food that does not easily freeze.  It wise to allow additional time to reach your destination when driving on potentially dangerous roads and, if possible, let others know when you are departing and when you arrive.  At home, when temperatures drop below freezing, it is always a good idea to open cabinet doors where water pipes are exposed as to more easily allow heat to reach them and leave your tap dripping.  Lastly do not forget about your pets.  If it is too cold for you outside without shelter it is also too cold for them.  Make sure that your pets, if they do remain outdoors, have shelter and items to help keep them warm such as blankets, cedar chips, straw, etc.  I hope that each of you have a safe, productive, and educational semester.             
This afternoon there will be a test of the RAVE Alert System for Eastern Oklahoma State College.  If you do not receive the message by this evening please email me as you may not have been correctly added to the system for text/email alerts.  Thank you.
 Bryan E. Denny M.S.
COP Director/Criminal Justice Chair/Chief of Police
Eastern Oklahoma State College
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