[Eoscstudents] Monthly Safety Email

Bryan Denny bdenny at eosc.edu
Tue Mar 11 16:55:53 CDT 2014

Spring break is upon us and many of our students, faculty, and staff will be traveling. We wish for each of you to enjoy the break and to remain safe while away.  Some important things to remember when hitting the road can be found in the links below:
For the week of March 24th-28th Eastern Oklahoma State College will be sponsoring a wellness week.  Watch monitors and be on the lookout for flyers displaying the week’s activities.  Attached you will find our revised Eastern Oklahoma State College Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy.  Please remember that drug and alcohol abuse can derail academic success and negatively impact health.  

 Bryan E. Denny M.S.
COP Director/Criminal Justice Chair/Chief of Police
Eastern Oklahoma State College
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