[Eoscstudents] Transfer Scholarship from EOSC to NSU for Fall 2014

Gail Wilson gwilson at eosc.edu
Fri Mar 14 17:00:20 CDT 2014

A great scholarship opportunity awaits you if you are planning to transfer
to Northeastern State University in the fall. The application is attached
for an $8,000 Transfer Scholarship ($2,000 per semester with a maximum of
four semesters).  You must have earned an EOSC Associate Degree prior to
fall 2014 and have a gpa of 3.8. 

Submit an official college transcript, resume, and an essay stating why the
scholarship is important and how it will help you achieve your goals by the
deadline of March 26, 2014 to me at the following contact information. Only
the students that are selected will be notified due to time constraints.



Gail Wilson

Eastern Oklahoma State College

Scholarship/Testing and 

Work Study Coordinator

Library 154

Phone 918.465.1768

Fax 918.465.4427

gwilson at eosc.edu





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