[Eoscstudents] --Please Help Honors Seminar--

Ruth Brelsford rbrelsford at eosc.edu
Fri Oct 31 11:01:04 CDT 2014

Honors Seminar is looking at drug usage, attitudes about drug usage, history of drug usage in the US, drug laws, and mandatory sentencing for breaking drug laws in this semester's class.  The title of the seminar is The War on Drugs (who is winning?) 
The Honors students created three surveys to poll current attitudes and practices:  one for students, one for adults, and one for inmates serving sentences for breaking drug laws.  These surveys are all to be completed anonymously.
We have devised a way to put these surveys on Survey Monkey, an online poll/survey distributor. If you can help us please go to:
Please do help us with this survey as the students are tabulating trends, looking at changes in attitudes, etc. which will, along with their research, culminate in a policy paper for their final grade.  We need as large a sampling as possible.
Thank you for your participation!
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