[Eoscstudents] Human vs. Zombies & Mardi Gras Dance

Paige Lowder plowder at eosc.edu
Wed Feb 25 11:02:43 CST 2015

Good Morning! 


We will be playing Humans vs. Zombies NEXT WEEK (March 2nd-6th)!!!!!!


If you would like more info OR need to SIGN UP, come see me in SC 211!


Also, there will be a MARDI GRAS DANCE on Wednesday, March 4th! 


Bring me song requests beforehand (you can also make them at the dance, it's
just easier if I already have them) :) 



Paige Lowder
Student Life Coordinator
Student Center, Office 211
Eastern Oklahoma State College
1301 West Main
Wilburton, OK 74578

Phone: (918) 465-1818
Fax: (918) 465-4492
Email:  <mailto:plowder at eosc.edu> plowder at eosc.edu


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