[Eoscstudents] Weekend Cafeteria Plans

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Feb 27 09:43:32 CST 2015

Here are the latest developments in the Cafeteria game plan for Sapphire Ball weekend:
FRIDAY DINNER:  STUDENTS WILL BE SERVED THROUGH THE CYBER CAFE.  Please come in the FRONT DOOR OF THE CAFETERIA.  The back door will be locked so that the preparations for the Sapphire Ball will not be disturbed. 
SATURDAY LUNCH:  Box lunches will be prepared for the students on the lists that coaches and other staff have turned in to us.  As I understand it, designated representatives will pick these up and deliver them to the dorms.  Come to the loading dock at the back of the Cafeteria, (west side back door), to pick these up.
SATURDAY DINNER:  Vouchers will be prepared for students who are staying on campus, (from a list of names I have been given by coaches and dorm representatives).  Students who are helping with the Sapphire Ball will not be given vouchers, but will be taken care of.  
SUNDAY LUNCH:  Box lunches again, same as Saturday.
SUNDAY DINNER:  Cafeteria will be back in normal operation.
Contact us if you have any questions.  
Thank you,
Ext. 712
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