[Eoscstudents] Monthly Safety Email

Bryan Denny bdenny at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 26 09:48:07 CDT 2015

It should be extremely evident to all that we are now in storm/tornado season.  Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by last night’s storms and tornadoes in Oklahoma. Last night’s storms are a reminder that we must all be prepared for emergencies.  Your Eastern Emergency Management Team will be working this month with exercises that strengthen our Tornado response actions on campus.   
Learn more about how Oklahomans can be better prepared at: www.ok.gov/reddirtready(http://www.ok.gov/reddirtready).
Please take just a few minutes and review the information as it could very easily save your life and the lives of those around you.  If you are having trouble navigating the website please click on (PREPARE), located at the top-left of the screen on the website.    
This afternoon will be a test of our RAVE Alert emergency system.  If you receive the email but not the text then we may not have a correct cell phone number for you in our system.  Please get with myself (via email) or Student services to correct your information to allow you to receive campus emergency notifications.
Thank you and have a great Spring!   
 Bryan E. Denny M.S.
COP Director/Criminal Justice Chair/Chief of Police
Eastern Oklahoma State College
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