[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Oct. 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 5 10:25:08 CDT 2015

Hi folks,


Where did the weekend go?  They seem to get shorter and shorter and first
thing you know it's Monday morning and time to go back to work or class!   I
wasn't ready!


Our Lunch menu for today include:

Cheese ravioli, beef enchilada bake, chicken fried chicken, whipped potatoes
and gravy, Italian green beans, sliced carrots.  Hamburger bar, fries, pizza
bar, and raspberry cheesecake.


Dinner will include:

Sliced pork roast and gravy, chicken pot pie, meatball subs, garlic roasted
potatoes, whole kernel corn, spinach, hamburger bar, dessert. 


Enjoy your day,



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