[Eoscstudents] FW: Oklahoma Blood Institute donors critical to Stillwater tragedy response

shaunna lidrich slidrich at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 26 16:38:52 CDT 2015

Just an FYI about how giving blood today can save lives.  There are still times available in the morning of the 27th and 28th if you would like to participate in this life saving event.


Tuesday, 10/27 - https://www.yourbloodinstitute.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/178392



Wednesday, 10/28 - https://www.yourbloodinstitute.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/178373




Below is a synopsis following the events in Stillwater this weekend.  We never know when a tragedy may occur.  Hopefully this will help with getting students/faculty informed and attending the EOSC blood drives over the next two days.





Saturday, 48 units of blood from Oklahoma Blood Institute were provided to OU Medical Center’s Trauma Center upon request, following the OSU Homecoming Parade accident.  Those receiving blood may have been those injured in the parade as well as other patients at the hospital as well. The blood supply is adequate today should more be needed.  An average of 1,000 blood donors are needed each day to meet the needs of patients in the 154 hospitals OBI serves.


Blood donors with OBI who gave last week, never imagining such a tragedy requiring trauma care would occur, are responsible for the blood being readily available for patients. We never know when blood will be needed in crisis, so donating as often as possible ensures that Oklahomans who need it – whether part of a publicized situation or due to everyday battles with cancer, surgeries or traumas – will have it.


Blood on the air ambulances that transport patients are equipped with O-Negative and O-Positive type blood should it be needed to save lives en-route.  Only 9% of the population has O-Negative blood type, but it can be used by people with any blood type. More blood donors with O-Negative blood are always needed.


Platelets were among the blood components transported to the hospital. They last only 5 days, so donors willing to give platelets are urged to do so at any time.  




Del Holloway

Executive Director

Arkansas/Oklahoma Blood Institute

Fort Smith/Hot Springs Offices

dholloway at obi.org <mailto:dholloway at obi.org> 

www.arkbi.org <http://www.arkbi.org> 


Ask me about GBF!!





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