[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday April 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 1 11:05:55 CDT 2016

Happy April Fools' Day!


We will be welcoming our annual group of special guests from Denmark to
campus later today.  They will be with us for the next week, so I hope
everyone will get the chance to talk with them about their country, their
culture and find out a little more about how things are in other parts of
the world.  


Our Lunch menu for today includes:

Baked catfish, beef and bean burrito with chili, cheesy rice casserole,
garlic red potatoes, hominy, pinto beans, steamed cabbage, grilled cheese,
French fries.  Burgers, subs, pizza, waffles.  Dessert:  Rice Krispie



Steak fingers, gravy, cheeseburger macaroni, grilled chicken sandwich, lemon
pepper potatoes, macaroni and cheese, cauliflower, hot dogs, chili, chips.


Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend,





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