[Eoscstudents] Menu for Ground Hog's Day Feb. 2, 2016

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 2 11:04:39 CST 2016

Happy Ground Hog's Day folks,


I don't know if the ground hog saw his shadow this morning or not.  I know I
haven't seen mine because I've been in here since 6:00 a.m. and it was dark
at that hour!  I hear we're set to get some more winter weather soon, shadow
or not, so get ready for a cold front.


We have one day left on the blood drive in the Ballroom, so if you haven't
given yet and still want to, please come over and check in with them.
Someone's life depends on it.


Our Lunch menu for today includes:

Pork fried rice, savory meatloaf, grilled chicken breast, steamed potatoes,
Brussel sprouts, fried okra, California blend vegetables, burgers, subs,
pizza, waffles, tater tots, beef and noodle soup.  Dessert:  Angel food cake
and fruit or cheesecake.


Have a great day,




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