[Eoscstudents] SSS Students Scholarship information

Kinya Meineke kmeineke at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 25 10:49:02 CST 2016

SSS Students-

Please read the below email and take advantage of this opportunity.  If you
have questions please don't hesitate to ask.  


Kinya Meineke, M.A.g.


Student Support Services

Eastern Oklahoma State College

"Your Tomorrow Begins Today"



From: eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Treva Kennedy
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 4:49 PM
Subject: [Eoscall] Scholarship information


Eastern Faculty and Staff, 

As many of you are aware, we launched an online scholarship application at
the beginning of January. Our goal was to simplify the application process
and make it easier for students. We also kept the ability for students to
complete a paper application if they were not able to complete an online
application. Unfortunately, several prospective and current students have
experienced a few problems completing the application. As a result of these
issues we have extended the deadline to Wednesday, March 2. 

There were several students in the system who created an account and started
the an application, but did not complete the process. We have reached out to
those students to encourage them to log back in and complete the online
application or download the paper version and submit it. We also notified
them of the deadline extension. 

Faculty, please share with your students that the deadline for submitting a
scholarship application has been extended to next Wednesday. 

We recognize that some of the challenges revolve around the uploading of
documents and the recommendation letter process. One of the challenges has
been the ACT scores and upload. If they are a continuing student, have them
place OO in the composite score area for the ACT score. No upload will be
necessary for the ACT scores. If they are incoming students, the upload will
be required. 

Any questions or assistance with the application process can be referred to
my office. We will assist with uploads and accept the paper applications. 

We will contact the Scholarship Committee within the next week to plan and
discuss how we will go forward with the review and award process. 

Treva Kennedy

Director, Institutional Advancement


tkennedy at eosc.edu

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