[Eoscstudents] SSS Studnets FW: [Eoscall] OACC scholarship opportunity

Kinya Meineke kmeineke at eosc.edu
Thu Jan 7 10:42:27 CST 2016

Take a look at the Scholarship opportunities below.  Contact me with any


Kinya Meineke, M.A.g.


Student Support Services

Eastern Oklahoma State College

"Your Tomorrow Begins Today"



From: eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:eoscall-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Gail Wilson
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 3:56 PM
To: eoscstudents at lists.onenet.net; eoscall at lists.onenet.net
Subject: [Eoscall] OACC scholarship opportunity



Attached is a great scholarship opportunity from the Oklahoma Association of
Community College (OACC) for $1000 ($500/ 2016fa and $500/ 2017sp semester)

Some of the criteria that must be met follows. Please see application for
more details.


*	 Be at least a high school senior
*	 Have an equivalent of a 3.50 gpa
*	 Enroll in at least 12 hours during both award semesters 
*	Must attend award banquet March 7, 2016 at the Oklahoma State


Submit the completed application, official transcript, and 3 letters of
recommendation by the deadline of February 8, 2016. You may mail application




Attn: Gail Wilson

1301 W Main

Wilburton, OK 74578


Or bring it to my office in the Library building (#154) on the Wilburton


Due to time constraints only the selected recipient will be notified.



Gail Wilson

Eastern Oklahoma State College

Scholarship/Testing and 

Work Study Coordinator

Library 154

Phone 918.465.1768

Fax 918.465.4427

gwilson at eosc.edu




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