[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Fri. May 6

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri May 6 10:42:51 CDT 2016

Happy Graduation Day!


Yes, it's finally here!  The day you've been waiting for for two years now,
graduation day!  I really hope all our graduating sophomores have plans to
continue their education, and our freshmen will be back in the fall as our
next graduating class.  


Happy Birthday wishes go out today to nursing instructor, Christy Stanfield.
Have a great day, Christy!


And don't forget Mom this weekend, as Mother's Day is Sunday.  You only have
one mother, so be sure and show her how special she is to you on this day
dedicated to the person who loves you the most.


We just had a quick, pleasant visit from Garrick Dobson, our young IT fellow
who got drafted to McAlester a while back and we hadn't seen or heard from
him since.  He's on campus over here today to take care of the Nursing
graduation and the general commencement this evening, so maybe we'll get to
see more of him before the day is over.


Our Lunch menu for today includes:

Stuffed bell peppers, oven baked shrimp, chicken fried chicken, parsley
buttered potatoes, spinach, broccoli, green beans, sweet rice.  Burgers,
pizza, subs, waffles.  Dessert:  Rice Krispie treats.


Have a spectacular graduation day and weekend,




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