[Eoscstudents] PTK'S Eastern student CHRISTMAS TOYS FOR TOTS

Brenda Kennedy bkennedy at eosc.edu
Tue Nov 15 15:51:33 CST 2016




Eastern’s PTK Toys for Tots Christmas campaign 2016


This is a completely volunteer community service event.

How do you participate?:  Bring a new approximate $5 unwrapped gift.  Some faculty will be giving bonus points to participate, you may check to see if your faculty member is one of them.  Some of you may have an opportunity during the break for some shopping deals going on with black Friday.


When does this need to be completed? : We will need these no later than December 2nd  (last day of classes). We will be doing the annual Christmas wrapping party on Monday December 5th beginning at noon with food and festive music.  We will have toys, wrapped,  bundled and ready for distribution beginning Tuesday morning.


If you know of a fellow student who may have small children and can identify them as someone who may need a helping hand during this time, please have them to contact me.  We have never faltered in supplying all Eastern families and I have great expectations that will be the same this time as well.

We are only targeting children ages 10 and younger. We will be offering gender and age appropriate toys.  We only need the ages and gender of children for a family if you have someone you would like to add to the list please reply and give me the needed information.


The Christmas wrapping party is open to anyone who would like to volunteer some of your time to wrap gifts. It will be on Monday, Dec 5th at noon.  There will be food, drinks and desserts for any who wish to come and help with the Wrapping party!

Eastern Oklahoma State College
Your Tomorrow Begins Today!
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