Lindy Basden lnbasden at eosc.edu
Mon Mar 6 10:41:26 CST 2017

Coach Taylor wants EVERYONE to be at the basketball game tonight at 5:30pm!
Student Activities will have games for $300 worth of gift cards tonight !!!



GOOD MORNING EASTERN!!!!!!! I wanted to send out an email on this fine
Monday morning to thank everyone for all of your support this season, we
have felt the love!! Also, wanted to ask a BIG favor of each of you.
Tonight, our Regional Tournament begins with our first round game at home!!
Gametime is 5:30pm and we will be taking on Arkansas Baptist. WE NEED YOU
THERE!!!!!!!! Please encourage your students to attend as well. Please come,
enjoy yourself, and support these ladies tonight at 5:30!






Amber Taylor

Head Women's Basketball Coach

Eastern Oklahoma State College








Lindy Basden

Cheer Coach & Student Life Coordinator 

Staff Council Chair

ESGA Advisor 

Eastern Oklahoma State College

1301 W. Main

Wilburton, OK 74578



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