[Eoscstudents] Save the date: Zoology research presentations on Nov. 27, 2017

Patricia Ratliff pratliff at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 13 14:47:56 CST 2017

This semester's zoology students will be presenting their research projects
to the public on Monday, November 27, 2017, at 2:00pm in room 102 Sullivan
Hall. They've been working hard on learning the scientific method by
conducting experiments on:

   - The effects of magnetism on flatworm regeneration
   - Red harvester ant food preferences
   - Effects of sugar, caffeine, and salt on vinegar eel movement
   - Male aggression behaviors in betta and cichlid fishes

Cookies will be served, so mark your calendars for an afternoon snack and a
wee bit of science! Thank you,
--Pat Ratliff--

Patricia C. Bolin Ratliff, Ph.D.
Professor of Zoology, Biology Dept. Chair
Eastern Oklahoma State College
1301 W. Main St.
Wilburton, OK  74578
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