[Eoscstudents] SSS Study Tips

Kinya Meineke kmeineke at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 2 10:21:27 CDT 2017

SSS Participants-

Here are some helpful Study Tips!!!

The Top 10 Must-Know Study Tips for Busy College Students

By Grant Tilus

While in school, you need to ensure that it is a top priority, but we
understand that it can be difficult. To help you successfully manage your
coursework, remember these tips.

Study Tips for Busy College Students

1. Always Prep For Tomorrow

By preparing for tomorrow, you will be able to make the most efficient use
of your time to complete your homework. Create a checklist (see #10) of
what you need to accomplish the next day so you can jump right into the
work and save time.

2. Create Study Groups

This may seem like a thing of the past, but there are still major benefits
to creating a study group. Advances in technology, like Google+’s Hangout
feature, allow you to video chat with up to nine people at a time, so you
can hold study groups regardless of your classmate’s location.

3. Establish a Routine

Setting specific time for school work will ensure that you stay on top of
assignments. Make sure those around you understand when your study time is
so they can allow you to focus on earning your college degree without

4. Find a Quiet Space

Preferably you should separate yourself from any distraction at home so you
can focus on your school work. If needed, find an alternate location such
as a local library or coffee shop, in order to give your homework the full
attention that it deserves.

5. Have a Backup Plan

Computers always seem to crash at the most inopportune moments. Your backup
plan should include saving a copy of your files on an external drive, in
addition to knowing where you can go get onto another computer in order to
hand in your assignments.

6. Maintain a Master Calendar

For many classes in college, you will be assigned major projects that may
be due later on in the quarter. Using a calendar to stay on top of these
projects is the easiest way to not fall behind. Many online students can
utilize a course calendar in the virtual classroom to plan ahead in order
to complete these projects on time.

7. Stay Organized staying organized is something that many college students
struggle with. Organize your class materials and homework by using folders
both on your computer and for any printed materials.  This way you can best
utilize your study time by avoiding a long search for your document

8. Stay Positive

Learning is an activity that pushes us beyond our comfort zone. This can be
frustrating, so do your best to stay positive and remember why earning your
degree is worth all the hard work.

9. Take a Break

For those times when you are stuck on a problem or have been studying for a
big test, remember that it’s okay to take a short break. Step away from
your computer to take a walk or get some fresh air to clear your head; this
will allow you to come back refocused.

10. Use Checklists

Many college courses have weekly or sometimes even daily assignments that
you need to complete. Use checklists to ensure that you are staying on top
of completing those assignments on time. As you complete each one, feel the
satisfaction of checking off each assignment from the list.

Kinya Meineke, M.A.g.
Student Support Services
*Where Success Begins*
Eastern Oklahoma State College
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