[Eoscstudents] Mass Communication Classes for fall

Kristen Turner kturner at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 9 13:54:00 CDT 2018

As you all prepare your schedules for the fall, I ask that some of you
consider the different classes we offer in Mass Communication. I am
offering *Introduction to Mass Communication* online next semester, and it
counts as a *General Ed elective* for almost every major. It is a great
course, and you will *not* be required to buy a book.

I also offer *Video Production, News Reporting* and *Publications
Production* in the fall. If you are a General Studies major, these courses
will count toward your hours needed to graduate.

Of course, if you are interested in a career in mass comm (public
relations, advertising, photography, graphic arts, video production,
journalism, and radio), you should contact me about becoming a major.

MCOMM-1101 (12825) Publications Production W 2:15-4:45 p.m. *
MCOMM 1113 (12826) Intro to Mass Comm  ONLINE
MCOMM 1213 (12827) News Reporting MW 12:45-2 p.m.
MCOMM 1223 (12828) Vidoe Production I MW 11:15 a.m -12:30 p.m.
                            * all of these courses are on the Wilburton

Kristen E. Turner
Professor of Mass Communication
*Statesman* and *Mountaineer* adviser
Eastern Oklahoma State College
(918) 465-1720
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